Prayer & Fellowship

The worship we offer in church on Sundays is undergirded by regular meetings for informal prayer and fellowship. The first Christians “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  (Acts 2,42).These are some of the ways by which we nourish and sustain our individual and collective lives.

There are prayer groups in the parishes of Bletchingdon and Chesterton.   Our small prayer groups are welcome to all, regardless of religious denomination.  Please come and join us! 

  • The Chesterton prayer group meets every Tuesday at 1000 in St Mary’s Church. Tel Philip Clarke for further info: 01869 243993
  • The Bletchingdon prayer group meets every Wednesday online at 0900. Tel Judith Ledger for further info: 01869 351542

Other fellowship and study groups meet occasionally. More information from the Ministry Team.

Useful links