St Mary the Virgin, Kirtlington

St Mary the Virgin occupies a prominent place at the heart of the village and seeks to be a haven of peace and fellowship and a resource for the wider community. 

St Mary the Virgin, Kirtlington

St Mary’s has a welcoming congregation and provides both modern and traditional services following a monthly pattern, but the regular routine is varied by less common forms of worship such as the commemoration of All Souls, Songs of Praise, and the Lamb Ale service.

There is a Café Church every quarter – a short and very informal service beginning with coffee and pastries. One Wednesday mornings during term time we hold ‘Rise and Shine’ – a gathering for the young and the young-in-heart – coffee, conversation, and activities for toddlers. There’s a dedicated Children’s Corner in the church to welcome and entertain younger visitors.  The church works very closely with Kirtlington School and hosts regular school services.

Pastoral care is very important and individual members of the congregation are active in helping those in need in the village. Please get in touch with one of the wardens or clergy if you would like a visit or know of someone who would appreciate one.

The church is proud to be used as a community space, providing a venue for occasional concerts, drama performances, art exhibitions, and conferences. The church space has also been used for children’s music and dance classes, and adult exercise classes.

There is a rota of local volunteers who are responsible for cleaning, flower arranging, bell-ringing and the upkeep of the churchyard.

The church is normally open during daylight hours. There is seating on green chairs for 64 people, and an additional 80 wooden chairs. There is seating in the choirstalls for a further 16.

To donate directly to Kirtlington Church, please click on the button below.
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Our History


Sunday 30th March 2025 10:00
Mothering Sunday Service

Sunday 6th April 2025 11:00
Holy Communion

Friday 18th April 2025 20:00
Good Friday - Sung Compline

Sunday 20th April 2025 11:00
Easter Day - Holy Communion


Church Lane

Contact number: 01869 369815


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